Sacred Heart Secondary School


Junior Cycle Irish builds upon the language developed during primary education. The learner’s vocabulary is both reinforced and enriched at this stage and the language skills (listening, speaking, reading, spoken interaction and writing) are further developed. Emphasis is placed on promoting and developing awareness: language awareness, cultural awareness as well as student self-awareness as a language learner. 

There are currently two Irish syllabuses at Junior Cycle. In Irish-medium schools, Irish is the working language of the school and Irish L1 is taught as a subject. In English-medium schools, English is the working language of the school and Irish L2 is taught as a subject.

Sacred Heart Secondary School is an English-medium school and therefore Irish L2 (T2) is taught as a subject

A candidate may take the examination at one of two levels i.e. Higher Level or Ordinary Level.

Click on links below for further information:

Assessment TaskLiterature ListsSample Assessment Items L1Sample Assessment Items L2

Specification for English-medium schools (L2)

Assessment Guidelines (L1 and L2)

Examples of Student Work (L1 and L2)

Transition Year Irish

Transition Year Irish builds on the language skills acquired in Junior Cycle and prepares students for Senior Cycle Irish. Teachers focus on developing students’ confidence in communicating through Irish and developing students’ oral competency. Students engage in a number of interactive and group work activities throughout the year.

Leaving Certificate Irish

Leaving Certificate Irish builds upon the language developed during Junior Cycle. All four language skills are further developed in order to enable the learner take an active part in the bilingual society in which we live in today in Ireland. The learner is encouraged to develop and share her/his views on a range of topics. The learner is also prepared during Senior Cycle for further study in or through Irish.

Irish is assessed at three levels i.e. Foundation Level, Ordinary Level or Higher Level. The learner’s oral competency is assessed around Easter of the final year, in an oral examination worth 40%, at each level, of the overall mark, and the other three skills are assessed in June. Aspects of literary works must be studied at Ordinary Level while at Higher Level these same works and additional material must be studied in greater detail.

Please click on the following link for more information about Senior Cycle Irish:

Scraith Pictuir Workshops:- 6th Yr

Caith Amach É 2023 (2) 1.jpgCaith Amach É 2023 (3) 1.jpgCaith Amach É 2023 (7) 1.jpg

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)
Gaeilge Chumarsáideach/ Communicative Irish

This programme involves the provision of a practical interactive Irish course at Leaving Certificate level. The aim is for the course to be fresh and suitable for the group to which it is aimed. It is a course based on today's language needs and aspirations. The philosophy of the course is that Irish belongs to us all and that every student has the right to the opportunity to learn the language. This is a change of emphasis and not a lowering of standards. This Communicative Irish course is aimed at students in non-Gaeltacht and Irish-medium schools.

Please click on the following link for more information about Senior Cycle Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Irish:

Events/ Imeachtaí

Eagraítear imeachtaí éagsúla le linn na bliana chun ár dteanga dhúchais agus ár n-oidhreacht a chur chun cinn i Scoil an Chroí Naofa, ina measc Gaeilge 24 agus Seachtain na Gaeilge.

We run a series of events throughout the year to promote our Irish language and heritage.

“Beatha Teanga í a Labhairt”

Roinn na Gaeilge

Gaeilge 24- Craic Iontach 1.jpgGaeilge 24- Rince Gaelach 1.jpg

Gaeilge 24 2022 1.jpg

Gaeilge 24-Céilí 1.jpgGaeilge 24-Cluichí 1.jpg

We run a series of events throughout the year to promote our Irish language and heritage.

“Beatha Teanga í a Labhairt”

Roinn na Gaeilge

Jan 22
2nd Year Parent Teacher Meeting (16.15 - 18.45)
Jan 22
Parents Council Meeting
Jan 31
Ceiliúradh CEIST Day
Feb 03
St Brigid's Day
Sunnyside, Drogheda, Co-Louth, A92K796
CEIST (Catholic Education An Irish Schools’ Trust)
© 2025 Sacred Heart Secondary School