Sacred Heart Secondary School

School History

Mother Catherine McAuleyOur school, dedicated to the Sacred Heart, was blessed and formally opened by Dr Kyne, Bishop of Meath on 12th September 1960.

In the convent annals we trace its roots, lineage and background history from the coming of the Sisters of Mercy from Tullamore to Drogheda in 1854. The Sisters took up residence in St. Mary’s Terrace, Dublin Road where they opened a school and engaged in the religious instruction of children – a work very dear to the foundress of the congregation, Mother Catherine McAuley, who enshrined in her rule for the order – “No work of mercy can be more productive to good society than the careful instruction of young girls”. However due to increased enrolment, with a catchment area of 20 primary schools, the Sisters of Mercy were faced with the challenge to provide a site and school with better educational and recreational facilities. This was achieved in 1960 with the opening of the present school at Sunnyside. In 1974 the Parents Council was inaugurated. Due to their dedication and increasing support, an on-going campaign for fund raising was launched to provide much needed facilities for specialist subjects and for cultural and sporting education. Extra science laboratories, music and art rooms, computer studies unit as well as a fully equipped gymnasium and outdoor sports area were provided. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our past and present Parents Councils for their invaluable support.

On 1st February 2008, Mercy North joined CEIST. We are proud that our school has preserved its profile and the tradition of its rich cultural heritage and Catholic ethos. The Liturgy and prayer plays an important role in our school and is evident on a daily basis through our Morning Prayers at Assembly and in the celebration of events throughout the school year such as Mercy Day, Catholic Schools Week and our Graduation Mass. We are grateful for the efforts of our school Chaplain, Fr. Phil Gaffney, who is a frequent visitor to our school, and we are also thankful for the support of the Mercy Sisters and Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal.

We are committed to fostering and promoting the CEIST Charter Values of Justice and Responsibility, Community, Personal Development and Respect.

Pictured - Mother Catherine McAuley

Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Feb 23
2nd Year Ski Trip
Feb 24
TY Work Experience
Mar 06
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Sunnyside, Drogheda, Co-Louth, A92K796
CEIST (Catholic Education An Irish Schools’ Trust)
© 2025 Sacred Heart Secondary School