What is the Student Representative Council?
The Student Council consists of representatives from each class group and provides a forum through which the students of the school can play a full part in the development of a partnership approach to school life and issues.
The role of the Student Representative Council is a crucial one within the Sacred Heart School Community. A representative and a deputy representative are elected from each class from 1st Year right through to 5th Year. The students representing each year group become the voice of the student body.
Students are encouraged to speak to their SRC members with any ideas, improvements and concerns surrounding school rules and activities Meetings are held once every few weeks where the SRC discuss the concerns of students and peers that have been brought up. All items discussed in the meetings are recorded. A follow up meeting then takes place with Ms.Carroll, Principal and Ms. Lynch, Deputy Principal. Along with discussing changes that can be made, the SRC also takes initiative in planning fun and exciting fundraisers too. Membership of the SRC is a wonderful way for students to take on a leadership role within the school community. Students make a difference in all aspects of school life.
Activities of the SRC:
During this academic year, our school started for the first time offering trousers as an option for students to wear instead of skirts. This is an idea that has been brought up by students in the Sacred Heart School and voiced at the SRC meetings. The SRC have strongly supported this idea from the very beginning as having options promotes inclusivity and provides students with options to ensure they feel comfortable in school. The SRC members as well as the full school community were provided with opportunity to view samples of trousers to give their views prior to a decision on the optimal option. Our voice is important in our school community when implementing change. There are now a number of students wearing trousers.
The SRC are involved in reviewing policies such as The Child Safe Guarding and Risk Assessment, Code of Behaviour, Anti Bullying, Meetings take place with relevant teachers and senior management when reviewing the policies. Feedback from students informs any amendments to the policies. The inclusion of the voice of members of the Student Council when it comes to decision making in our school is evident in all activities and is valued by our students.
The SRC members develop leadership skills throughout their time on the council. They are provided with opportunities to make presentations to the full school communities during assembly, lead fundraising events, communicate with all school stakeholders, make presentations to the Board of management and Parents Council.
We are extremely proud of all that members of the Student Representative, past and present who have contributed to all aspects of school life in the Sacred Heart Secondary School.
Chairpersons 2024/2025:
Maria Austin & Louise Toner