Sacred Heart Secondary School

Student Support

Planning for AEN Provision

The following takes place:

  • At the start of the school year a provisional plan for students with AEN is drawn-up. This involves the timetabling of teachers involved in the delivery of AEN resource hours and SNAs, using the limited and finite number of resource hours the school has access to . These timetables are reviewed on a regular basis by the Learning Support Department and changed according to the needs of the students.
  • The Learning Support Department consults with the staff about the plan during the school planning meetings held at the start of the year. Information on each student with diagnosed educational difficulties is disseminated to staff. At future staff meetings, time is allocated to discuss the progress of students with AEN and to remind staff of AEN students (particularly new members of staff).
  • On-going engagement with Subject Department Heads and Year Heads is also maintained throughout the year to ensure students with AENs are being catered for.
  • Regular meetings with the Principal are held to discuss issues pertaining to AEN provision within the school. As class groups/teachers/levels change, so too might AEN timetables. If extra resource hours become available, they will be utilised as quickly as possible.
  • Members of the Learning Support Department will meet throughout the year to review progress of students, tailoring timetables as necessary.

New Model of Allocation®

The model of intervention, as practiced in the Sacred Heart School, is underpinned by a

recognition that additional educational needs occur along a continuum, from mild to severe and from transient to long term. Our response to the needs of students is organised according to the NEPS's Continuum of Support. The Sacred Heart School Learning Support Department will follow the guidelines found in the New Allocation Model for AEN Provision (2017). In-class support will play a heavy role in how support is provided in this school, with a consequent targeted approach to 'withdrawal' support. The support a student receives is entirely dependent on their level of need rather than their diagnosis, as per Circular 14/2017. A student's level of need is ascertained through the avenues already discussed, with that student then placed on the appropriate level on the continuum of support.

Circular 14/2017

Additional resources:-

Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Feb 23
2nd Year Ski Trip
Feb 24
TY Work Experience
Mar 06
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Sunnyside, Drogheda, Co-Louth, A92K796
CEIST (Catholic Education An Irish Schools’ Trust)
© 2025 Sacred Heart Secondary School