At Sacred Heart School, our aim is to provide an atmosphere that supports our students' social, emotional and physical wellbeing. It is at the heart of the school’s mission statement.
All students have a right to feel cared for and to have their wellbeing supported in our school. In line with the wellbeing indicators, our students engage in meaningful learning which in turn helps them to be connected, aware, resilient, responsible, active and respected learners.

Planning for wellbeing in Sacred Heart School involves consideration of four key aspects:
Culture, relationships, policy and planning and the curriculum

A dedicated wellbeing programme in junior cycle aims to ensure that all students engage in important learning about wellbeing through key curriculum areas.
The junior cycle wellbeing programme is:
- a minimum of 400 hours of timetabled learning for all students
- designed to meet the identified needs of students
- supported by a range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
For more information on Junior Cycle Wellbeing click here